Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's been quite a while since I've checked into my blog.  I had actually forgotten I had one until I stumbled on it today through my daughter's blog.  I was divorced 8 years and remarried last year, January 28, 2012.  Our anniversary will be rolling around soon.  It's hard to believe it's been a year already.  It's ironic that I recently began a new diet and every time  I come here I'm on a new quest to lose weight.  I'd really like to put this blog to better use one day.  For the time being, I'll just ramble on about weight loss and such. 

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Weight Loss Struggle... Ugh!

The Weight Watcher's program has not worked out very well. I just do not have time for all that "keeping up" with points. What I need to do is walk, especially on my treadmill (it's just way too hot to walk outside). However, I cannot get to my treadmill because some of Mama's stuff is in the way. We've been storing it for her since the flood while her house is being renovated. But it won't be much longer and she'll be able to move back into her beautifully redone house. Then I will no longer have an excuse for not walking. Hmmm....

Note to myself: check back in a month and see if you have walked and gotten any results.

I have got to get this weight off and exercise is about the only thing that works for me. Well, cutting back and watching what I eat helps too... but walking the treadmill greatly enhances the affect. Okay, enough about this before I get depressed. LOL

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weight Watchers

Today is my third day of doing Weight Watchers. I didn't join. I'm just doing the points and keeping a journal of the foods that I eat. So far, I really like this way of dieting. I know of several people that have had great success on this diet plan. I don't usually do well with "diets" but maybe this one will be different. I can see where it helps to journal the foods we eat each day. Also, I believe keeping tabs on the points will keep me on track. Now I just need to finish a furniture painting project so that I can get to my treadmill.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Day of Blogging

I opened my blog today on Thursday, March 5, 2009.

Like I really have time for this. :)

Who knows maybe it will inspire me to begin working with PSP again, possibly making some new printable stuff and doing some Digital Scrapbooking. I would like to begin designing digital kits and maybe some printable kits. Who knows what will come of this now that I've gotten my blog started. I'm bored. I need to create pretty things again. LOL